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Danny to Japan

On Monday Danny is leaving for Japan for a ten day trip to bring water purification systems to help with the cause of getting pure water to the people stranded and cut off from aid.  Our hearts are weeping for the Japanese, thousands facing eternity without having known or heard of the Eternal One.  This morning Trinity was talking about Daddy going to Japan and I started crying while I was trying to answer her.  She said ” Mommy, why you say that like that?” (my voice was shaky).  I said, “Because all of these Japanese are dying and they don’t know about Jesus”.  And she answered in her most cheerful voice, “But DADDY is going to tell them about Jesus!!”.  Yes he is honey, yes he is.


When Danny talked to his mom on Sunday about coming to help, she was very concerned that it was not safe to come to Japan, and his family needed him.

This is what I wrote her:

“Hey Mom,
I just wanted to pray for you over email and I wanted to tell you something.  When Danny was talking to you today (the first time) I was sitting at lunch with the kids and while he was talking to you  I just sensed that he needed to go to Japan to help.  Then, after he got off the phone, he came back and sat down for a while and then said “I just feel like I need to go there to help and to share the Gospel”.  The Lord was talking to us at the same time. I know that it is dangerous.  I know that he could get trapped there for longer than expected.  I know that he could even possibly die.  But his soul is kept by our Savior, and those dying and suffering right now have no knowledge of their Maker and Savior.  Jesus said “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters-yes, even his own life he cannot be my disciples”  In this instance, I feel like Danny is to “hate” his wife and children for the sake of following Christ and serving Him by serving the Japanese right now in their time of greatest spiritual and physical need.  I am called to “hate” my husband right now compared to my desire to see Christ exalted in the country of Japan.   As you pray about Danny coming, please don’t hold back on account of me and the kids.  The Lord is our Provider and Sustainer. He will uphold us and take care of us.  We have an excellent support group here and Sara and Eric are right down the street. Grandma and Grandpa are coming next week.  We will be fine because the Lord is good, not whether or not Danny is here helping us.”


More posts will be coming as I report on what is happening there…Gotta run…