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Update: The Team has grown…

Japanese kids from Oyumino Church making rice balls for tsunami victims

Our team has grown from 4 to 8 in the last 24 hours. Two of the guys are professional videographers who have decided to come along to capture footage for a documentary on world missions… God is doing miracle after miracle in providing for this trip. Here’s some of the cool things happening.
– Delta is sending the water purification systems (my uncle built) for free.
– Right after hearing about radiation levels going up, University Carrillon Church stepped up to help us purchase hand held radiation detection devices. We will have extra devices to give to local church leaders as well.
– Many local churches are putting together life packs (hygene products, supplements, protein bars etc…) with Gospel resources in them to distribute.  We are hoping to bring 500 of these over with us.
– God has already raised over $20,000 for this trip to bless Japan.  We are thankful.  Please continue to give as these gifts will impact the local church in many ways.

Praise God for His faithfulness!