Three months and no words? Where have the Iversons been all summer?
Where have the Iversons been all summer?!?
Three full months, and no words?
No blog posts?
No adventures to recount?
No thoughts or impressions from the Lord?
No musings from the Living Word of God?
Oh, they have been there.
They have been mulled over while scrubbing pots and pans.
They have been formulated while setting up chairs for the large number of houseguests coming over for dinner.
They have been pieced together in nights spent rocking sleepless babes.
They have been composed while sitting in traffic, driving home from multiple doctor appointments for an eight year old’s broken arm.
They have been half typed, at wee hours in the morning, but always interrupted by a coughing child, or a bad dream or a wet bed.
They have been there…but so have the setbacks…broken arms, bashed mouths with teethe getting knocked out. A baby’s bad fall. Bloody battles (literally and spiritually)
The adventures have been had, the sightings of God’s mighty work has been seen, abundant answers to prayers for ministry partners have been witnessed, but Oh, for the time to be able to sit and record them…to have the time to do as Isaiah 63:7 states
I will recount the gracious deeds of the Lord, the praiseworthy acts of the Lord, because of all that the Lord has done for us, and the great favor to the house of Israel that he has shown them according to his mercy, according to the abundance of his steadfast love.
I know the Lord wants us to recount these deeds He has done. The homeless family that is learning how to be a family again, without the throws of dysfunctional relationships and drug addiction. The little baby born to homeless parents who should have died at delivery two weeks ago but is now ventilator free and ready to come home from the hospital, despite her blindness and multiple health issues. The way the single mom was thrilled at the Bible study we held in the home, declaring “I’ve never heard the Bible taught like this. This is exactly what I have been needing.” The way that the young man who was about to convert to a very deceptive religion, ran up to Danny the other night and said, “I don’t want to be a part of that other stuff! I want to be baptized.” The way the doors of this Shalom home have opened to four different homeless people who needed to be a part of a family’s rhythms, as rocky as they might be, so they could learn what being covenant family is all about. The way that the boy, all rough and tough and angry, melted in tears last week at church with us. The way that God has answered my prayer that He raise up an older black lady to be my prayer partner…and He brought her into my life in the most creative of ways. The way teachers from our kids public charter school want to come over for dinner to learn more about what this church plant is all about. The way we have been praying that God would take all these buildings that have been abandoned by business owners and put new businesses in them…and God sent a Christian Korean couple to start one .3 miles from our house, with them declaring, “We kept trying to avoid the call, but the Spirit of God kept telling us to open this Wings and Philly place right here…and we couldn’t figure out why.”
There are so so many other stories….stories of God answering specific prayers laid out MONTHS ago before the Throne of the One who reigns on High and is more passionate about this church plant than we are. And OH, for the time to recount them.
Would you join me in prayer that this would come about? That God grant the windows of time to work on the new blog, and the new ministry website which recently got hacked, crashed, and now has to be rebuilt before we have a new place to declare the faithful deeds of the God we serve?
Would you pray for a mother, busy with the life of running a household of eight+ all the people staying with us, to be granted the windows of time needed to type, and pray, and record, and write these posts and finish that book that was started two years ago now?
The enemy of our souls, wants the stories silenced. But I believe our God wants His glorious goodness to be put on display.
His Church is being built. His Kingdom is advancing. His saints are praying and seeing miraculous answers.
And these stories will not be silenced.
Dearly beloved faithful distributers of the love of Jesus to the least of these…
You guys are amazing- I can’t fathom the depth of the daily challenges you face- but praise God for his strength and love flowing through you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and
do not rely on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and
He will direct your steps (Prov. 3:5-6)
And Jesus said to remind you that He will
… supply all your needs (Phil. 4:19)
… give you wisdom (1 Cor. 1:30)
… never forsake you (Heb. 13:5)
Danny, it was great to see your dad and Jonathan recently. They gave a great challenge to our students. Trust some hearts were deeply touched and the seeds will grow and flourish in other nations.
With much love and admiration,
Joyce Sisler
So wonderful to hear all that God is doing in and through you and your family in your new community. Praise God for the work he is doing! My children love your children! Glad to be doing life with you.
I am so impressed with your work with a tough crowd along with your perseverance through it all. Prayed just now for you and will continue to pray. God is Good! I know he is pleased with you and your work.