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Post By: Kimberly Iverson

Close, yet so far

My son,’ the father said, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.” Luke 15:31 This was the father’s response, to the demand “Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my […]

Family Vacation and Bickering, Brokenness, and Tears.

We were going to get two weeks off after a full summer of support raising, continued house renovations, ministry, and neighborhood involvement. My prayer going into it was that we would be refreshed and refueled to be able to enter into “launch phase” of this church planting endeavor with much energy and enthusiasm.   Our […]

Three months and no words? Where have the Iversons been all summer?

Where have the Iversons been all summer?!? Three full months, and no words? No blog posts? No adventures to recount? No thoughts or impressions from the Lord? No musings from the Living Word of God? Oh, they have been there. They have been mulled over while scrubbing pots and pans. They have been formulated while […]

Warrior Week Behind the Scenes and The Paradigm Shift of this Church Planter’s Wife.

I really believe God’s gentle, prompting spirit led me to do Warrior Week. But it might have been for a different purpose than what I thought. No, doubt, God touched the hearts of boys. Seeds of Scripture and plantings of prayer were intentionally bestowed. Doors were opened with families. Sweet relationships were built. Those boys […]

Warrior Week

I walked into my son’s inner city charter school to do “secret reader” and a swarm of little boys surround me. “When can we have a playdate at your house?” “When can I come over?” “Can you call my mom, so I can do a spend the night at your house?” Yes. Sure. Ok, give […]

Kickball and the Kingdom

“Honey, a dumb kickball game is not one of my priorities right now! I have too much to do around here!” I huffed and puffed about this time commitment, and this wife’s heart was anything but submissive. I hung up the phone with my knuckle, since our conversation was had while I franticly tried to […]

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