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Post By: Kimberly Iverson
The curtain rod fell down on my head as I balanced on a stool for the tenth time that day, all with hyperactive children running all around me a few feet below. I half caught it and then slammed it down on the stack of boxes below. “I can’t get anything done around here! I […]
We’ve sat in seminars. Visited hotel conference rooms and small group brainstorming sessions. We have been “trained” to be church planters. Don’t get me wrong, these things are good and necessary things, but nothing is quite like the training that trials bring. Since moving to Atlanta, with a vision to plant churches that keep planting […]
**My apologies for the extreme delay in this update…I’ve been very busy…busy cleaning up potty accidents, and putting out sibling rivalry fires, and cleaning more dishes and doing more laundry than one can keep track of. I wish I had something “more significant” as an excuse, but every load of laundry is a Kingdom investment […]
I had dragged little people down there at 8pm, with sleeping bags, a paintbrush, and a large cup of coffee in hand. We made makeshift beds for them on the carpet padding, and then got to work. Always fighting back panic with song. But the panic gained ground. and gave way to panicked pleading. […]
**Note: I know many people have asked for an update on our move and how things are going in our new neighborhood, but since I have been painting, and working on renovations and unpacking boxes and feeding small people and lugging laundry through the path of boxes and chaos, I don’t have it written up […]
I trucked my little ones down there, armed with snacks, action figures, and a laptop to play movies on… …Desperately trying to make progress on a project that seems impossible. I walk into a house that is suppose to be “home” to a family of eight in just three short weeks, and it looks like […]
Salt was flying. Sugar was spilling. Baking powder was pouring. Small hands were grabbing and snatching and dumping. Ingredients jettisoning all over the kitchen. A mommy was attempting baking… …with an overly eager two year old and four year old. Those little boys were so eager to help me make “gooten fwee bwownies” (Gluten Free […]
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