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Post By: Kimberly Iverson

Little Glimmers of God’s Work

A little girl in our home lost her first tooth this past week… ….and a mother caught a glimpse of God’s work.       That five year old was thrilled to show all of her friends, including her “best” friend, our neighbor, who spends the afternoons and most evenings with us while she waits for […]

Moving forward in weakness

It had been a frazzling day. (Come to think of it, every day is a frazzling one with six kids). That Sunday we had ushered those six kids out the door early in the morning to attend worship at our “sending church”. We had scooted downtown to attend an event at the sight of the […]

Where are you sitting?

“…sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool”   Psalm 110:1 It was a short verse, at that 4 am rising, but the minute I read it, it hit me: There is something about where we sit and what happens to our enemies. right there on the same page, are promises […]

God Uses the Messes

It had been another frantic Sunday morning. If I had lain the children’s clothes out the night before, we wouldn’t have had battles over mismatching clothes. Help me, Lord.  If I had trained my kids better about putting shoes away in their shoe bins, we wouldn’t have spent 20 minutes franticly looking under couches and […]

New Beginnings

“In the beginning….” I read it again, just as I did at this time last year. Beginning a new Bible reading plan, in hopes that THIS year there won’t be quite so many gaps in my completion of it. Last year I had begun the year with high hopes and simple and tangible goals. A […]

Ripe for Redemption

I picked up the kiddos from their amazing school in the wealthy, sheltered part of town. The magnificent building, the pristine landscaping, the haven that the school and church property is… This place has been a great blessing in our lives. When I drive through its parking lot dotted with gorgeous red maples, it seems […]

No other explanation

It’s all his fault. He made me do it. Just if he hadn’t written that little book. Just if it hadn’t hit such a chord in my soul. Just if I hadn’t begun to pray that prayer based on what he had written. “I cannot-and only God can….It means bowing to the fact that you […]

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