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Category Archives: Tsunami Relief in Japan

Update from My Dad on the front line #4

Dan Iverson #4      Mar 12   10:30pm  Jpn Time  (EST + 14) Dear Family and Friends,  Thanks for your prayers and care. Just as I wrote this, a fairly large tremor shook the church building again.  # 130th or something since 2:46 pm Fri afternoon. Incredible. 1. Donations for Japan Earthquake via MTW: see […]

Japan Update from my Dad #3

Now as I send this after writing below info (w/o proofing), news is saying 1400 dead and missing, including 4 trains of people, and 5 nuclear power plants in trouble (Japan news is still saying only 2 nuclear plants… trying to prevent panic, maybe???) Sat 3/12 12:10 pm Jpn time (USA EST+14 hrs) Family, Friends, […]

Japan Update from My Dad!

Note*  My Dad is  a Pastor in Japan in Chiba.  My Family is safe and theey are desperately rallying the church to help with relief.  Read update below… 5:36 pm  #2 Just now, 2.5 hours later, huge fire we can see in the petrol/chemical factories along the bay. Now, big tremor, about the 5th time… […]

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