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Tag Archives: adoption

How to be a Lifesaver.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.  Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice. Proverbs 31:8-9 ~~~~~~~~~~ Already emotional, I sat in the doctor’s office getting blood pressure, weight, and heartbeat checked.  She ran through the traditional questions, and came upon the […]

A Public New Year’s Resolution Confession

If it’s up here, I won’t find a crumpled piece of paper next October, only to say “Oh, I completely forgot about this!” If it’s up here, its easy for me to access (and be reminded!) If it’s up here, there is some public accountability. If it’s up here, its been thought through, prayed over, […]

From the Mouths of Babes…Adoption Options

Friday we had our final adoption home study meeting in which our caseworker came to our home to approve it as safe and suitable for the addition of another child (we will be paper-ready by next week!).  One of the last interviews was that of our children to ask how they felt about adopting.  Being […]

Yard Sale Mania

The reason it has taken me over two weeks to write this update post on our yard sale-ing endeavors is because of the toll it took on my sleep, my parenting, my housework, etc. (that is a whole other post, which I will hopefully get to soon). BUT, I must say, the yard sale went […]