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Tag Archives: children

From the Mouths of Babes…

I would have missed it. I would have missed it if I hadn’t silenced the bombardment of to-do’s that came rushing through my brain while I read the ONE (and ONLY one, because I-don’t-have-time-to-take-up-nap-time-reading-books-to-you-for-pete’s-sake) to them. I would have missed it, if I “just didn’t have time” to respond to the curly headed, dimpled  faced […]

Fourteen years ago, today…

Fourteen years ago, today, when I was struggling to figure out who on earth I was, I lost from earth the woman who was helping make me who I am. And since I’m so busy raising (and growing within me) her grandchildren, I haven’t had time to really write anything to or about her, so […]

Outward bound…His glories being known…

Balancing the Bible in hand, catching its words by the single glow from the closet light before a soul was awake Wednesday morning, my heart began to soar with these words. “Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is […]

As we fast….

As we go into our weekend of fasting for Newark, NJ and the ministry of Safe Haven there, I wanted to include some practical helps and ways we can be approaching the Lord on behalf of this city. First of all, the fast will be lasting for 48 hours (Friday 7pm-Sunday 7pm)  and we are […]

Blessings Abounding

We already have a fairly big family, and I already get lots of comments like “My, your hands are full!” when we are out in public. Well, I hate to think of the stares I’ll get when I’ve got a nice round tummy, along with the baby on the hip and a toddlers hands in […]

Servant of All….

You know, sometimes, I get so ambitious and want to have such a big impact on the world for Christ. I want to be used in mighty ways to make His Name known, to bring lost hurting people into His family, to be a beacon of truth and light to the confused, dark, and broken […]

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