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Tag Archives: Daniel Josiah
Recently the Lord has called Danny to pastor the (very!) small portion of English speakers at a Korean church here in Orlando. The goal is to reach out to the large Latino and African American population just a 1/2 mile from the church, and build a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Body as a ministry of the Korean […]
We already have a fairly big family, and I already get lots of comments like “My, your hands are full!” when we are out in public. Well, I hate to think of the stares I’ll get when I’ve got a nice round tummy, along with the baby on the hip and a toddlers hands in […]
This morning I was reading Acts 13 4-12 to the kids at breakfast. Its the story of the Jewish sorcerer opposing Paul when he was trying to share the Gospel with the proconsul. Paul “let’s ’em have it” and when I get to those parts I tend to be a little animated when I read. […]
Daniel Josiah was the most amusing person to talk to today. First, in the car, today he made the insightful comment: Mommy, the desert is the first hottest place in the whole earth. Second is Florida. Then later in the day… Daniel Josiah had found a nice round rock and showed it to me this […]
Last week Daniel Josiah’s preschool was doing a “Bible Character Parade” in which the kids were suppose to dress up as their favorite Bible character. When I asked Daniel Josiah what he wanted to dress up as, the conversation went like this: Me: So, Daniel Josiah, who do you want to be for the parade? […]
I have a little book that I started a couple of years ago that, that records funny things my kids say. I always wondered which of my four (and probably many more to come) kids would one day actually take posession of the book, BUT if I put the funny sayings in my blog, like […]
First we want to say thank you for the wonderful support and prayer during the hard summer of war for the Kingdom! God is so faithful and never leaves His children alone and powerless. We feel so encouraged by all the prayer support, financial support and the many who have come stood beside us and […]
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