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Tag Archives: help for raising children
They were all piled on the bed. Sprawled out during our nightly family devotions. We are reading through the Bible as a family, and we’re camped out in the book of Numbers right now. I know, I know, not exactly an attention-grabber book of the Bible for little ones. But you would be surprise, how […]
When Danny and I were first married, we kissed at probably every stoplight…we called it red light romance. Now we can’t even kiss once in a blue moon at a stoplight without comments from the peanut gallery…the crew filling the back seats, and most recently from our three year old, of all people. We were […]
He turned water into wine. Multiplied fish and loaves to feed thousands. Healed sick people. Raised individuals from the dead. Walked on water. Drove demons away. Caused money to appear out of a fish’s mouth. Sensed people’s thoughts. There wasn’t a lot that this God-man, Jesus, couldn’t do. In fact, some would argue that there’s […]
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