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Tag Archives: Jesus

Not about the soccer schedule….

Spoke to my best friend yesterday. We didn’t shoot the breeze about our kid’s soccer teams.  Or about ballet schedules being busy.  Didn’t talk about the sale at Macy’s or about what color we will paint our kitchens. No, the mothering issues she faces are far more intense than that, for she resides in Newark, […]

Walking in His Footsteps

The role of motherhood often, often, often feels as though one is merely treading water, or running around a hamster wheel, or living in constant state of deja vu. How many times did I sweep that kitchen floor today? You mean you haven’t learned from the twelve other times I disciplined you today, NOT to […]

Learning to Praise Again

I learned it while watching my mother’s personality, mental stability, and  physical body be eaten by cancer. I learned it in the grief and disappointment of my prayers for her healing not having been answered. I learned it while struggling with an eating disorder, with no sign of “recovery”. I learned it in Newark while […]

Before they call, I will answer…

“Before they call, I will answer, while they are still speaking I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 He’s done it again, and proved Himself so faithful and true to His Word. While there is still much to wait in expectation for the Lord to do, we have already seen some exciting glimmers of hope in Newark. […]

Penetrating the Darkness on our Knees

An increase in shootings in a two-block radius of the church. One resulting in the murder of one of our “lost boys” of Newark.  One occurring in the early evening when children are still outside playing all around. One resulting the in busted window of one of the church house’s window. Fights on the street. […]

New friends from 3 different continents

Libyans from Africa. Saudi Arabians from the Middle East. Italians from Europe. Taiwanese from Asia.  The world was gathered in our home. And I am so thankful to be a part of it. I met Jesus in it. As a follow-up to my recent conviction about being moved by the Spirit, I put aside my […]


“Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus… Simeon took him in his arms and praised God..” Luke 2:27,28 When I read this last week, I was so struck by the “being moved” part.  Because Simeon was willing to be moved by the Holy Spirit, […]

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