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Tag Archives: Muslim
I was soaring in my short lived spurt of energy in this long, draining pregnancy. So I wanted to make the most of it and finally go visit my Muslim friend from Bangladesh who hadn’t seen my face since January (because I’ve been barely eeking out an existence). We baked her, and her disabled son, […]
**Editor’s note: Posting this a bit late, but needed to get my Libyan friends’ clearance before posting. Ronnie Smith was called Libya’s friend. He loved the people. And so do I. My children actually have Libyan grandparents, you know. I have Libyan brothers and sisters and mother and pop and dear dear friends. Not by […]
This year we had every excuse in the book not to do it. We had tons of family coming into town for the holidays. We already would have a full house. I’m pregnant (and tired!) with baby #5. We have four little rascals running around. We already have one international student living with us. Money’s […]
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