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Tag Archives: raising a large family

On this Mother’s Day….

It feels like it was just two months ago, not 20 years ago, that she left the aching void. The mother void. And if Trina Hammack’s theories about 20 year cycles of emotional trauma happening in an individual are true, my story might just back her claims. How is it that the very same uncommon […]

When You Need to Catch Your Breath. A Summer Recap.

Kimberly’s summer recap with some awesome pictures… Sleeping bags. Sleeping bags. And more sleeping bags…. Socks scattered. socks in the family room. socks on the front porch. socks by the trampoline. mismatched socks in the laundry. Doors opening…and rarely shutting. letting in thick humidity and letting out paid-for electricity in the form of cool air. […]

Lessons from the Babe

Bible balanced on boppy pillow, the verses come alive in a whole new way… “Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her,     all you who love her; …. For you will nurse and be satisfied     at her comforting breasts; you will drink deeply     and delight in her overflowing abundance.” Isaiah 66:10-13 For I am living a microcosm of this […]

2017~ The year of RECEIVING

My eyes blinked open in the early hours at the sound of a dozen little feet already stirring in the house.  My body, tired and unwilling to move, after having fought back sleep and rest during the New Years Watch Service at our local partner church just a few hours prior.   “Its a new […]

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