A Willing Sacrifice…not necessarily a perfect one
Oh, Consuming Presence of God
Pursue this wandering heart, no matter how far it may trod,
ever-seeking glory that’s rightfully due Your Name,
this fallen flesh still seeks the fame.
But on this altar, here I crawl.
twisted motives…
deceitful desires…
burn it all.
The good, the bad, the disgusting, too.
All can be used as holy fuel.
For when your Spirit consumes in power,
You transforms every desire.
A pair of doves, a young lamb, or a mighty oxen
This human being offers herself, despite imperfection.
She trusts the Magnificent, who spoke creation out of nothing,
to take a humbling offering,
and cause the Fire,
not the sacrifice,
to do the illuminating.
Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.
Psalm 115:1
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10