Journey to Shalom

Longings for Peace on the road less traveled



What is “Shalom” anyway? And what is this blog about?

Shalom Means Peace … And So Much More. Shalom is the Hebrew word for holistic peace — peace that permeates every aspect of our lives and our being. It is a word used throughout scripture to describe the absolute joy, flourishing, fulfillment, and bliss found in the presence of God. It also conveys the beautiful, interdependent relationships that God’s people eternally share with Him, each other, and all of creation.

Nothing Broken… Nothing Missing… The way things are supposed to be. Shalom is what has come into the world through Christ, and is made complete when Christ returns and fully eradicates sin and death forever. God is glorified as Shalom happens. We have a mission as God’s people to discover and display the Shalom of God’s Kingdom to this hurting world by faithfully proclaiming the Gospel in WORD and DEED as we share life with our neighbors. This blog documents one Kingdom Family’s journey to Shalom…


Blog Posts

Day 1: “Seek Shalom”

God calls us as His people to seek out Shalom for the sake of our city as well as our own personal flourishing. He commands us to discover and display the nothing-broken-nothing-missing peace of His kingdom in every part of our day-to-day lives here in “exile” on this fallen planet filled with so many hurting and hopeless people. What does that even look like?

Welcome to Pray Shalom

Dear friend,
Over the last 5 years, my wife Kimberly and I have been developing this material I will be posting the next 21 days. Below is the intro to the Pray Shalom 21-day journey.

We have put our heart into this and are hoping to publish it in book form this summer to release to the world… so as you interact with the content we would love your honest feedback. Our desire is to provide those seeking the Kingdom of God a resource to strengthen our thinking, quicken our hearts and equip us to be faithful previews through our lives of the City of Peace to come. 

Turmeric Latte Recipe

I debated putting this up here on Journey to Shalom… but the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this does indeed belong here, because Shalom means WHOLISTIC peace… nothing broken, nothing missing. If we are neglecting or mistreating our bodies through the food and exercise choices we are making then it […]

The Least Likely of Candidates: How to offer yourself to be used even when you are the least qualified

I straight up forgot he had school. My four year old son was running around in his underwear while I was pulling out of the driveway to take my tardy kids to school, when his carpool ride drove up. I slammed on the brakes mid-exit of driveway, put the car in park and sprinted into […]

 But seek the Shalom of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its Shalom you will find your Shalom.”

Jeremiah 29:7

Meet the Authors

Danny and Kimberly Iverson

Danny and Kimberly Iverson met while in college and fell in love 3 years later while Danny was leading an inner-city ministry in Newark, NJ. Their hearts for the disinvested spaces of society, and the conviction of God’s love and redemptive purposes for such places, drew them together on mission and continues to be a driving force as they follow God’s calling to discover and display an expression of the body of Christ that is focused on reconciliation and renewal. They love being on mission with their family of eight children – Daniel Josiah, Trinity, Katy-Grace, Benjamin Zion, Malachi, Judah, Gwennalyn and Joel. They currently live in Atlanta, GA and are sharing life with their neighbors and leading a house church and community development organization called Restore Life.  Sign up to receive their newsletter.


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