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Tag Archives: Kingdom prayer

Day 5: Kingdom Prayer

Kingdom prayer is prayer surrendered to God’s will and His purposes. It is a joining Him in what He is going to do and submitting to His plans no matter what they are. It starts by acknowledging that God is in control and not us. You can’t really pray to God without that posture. If you view God as your butler, or your genie, or some cosmic vending machine you can control to give you what you want, then you aren’t praying to the God of the Bible but a god of your own creation, an idol that is lifeless and can’t respond. But if you truly view God as your Father and King, as Jesus taught us and showed us, you can go to Him in complete humility and dependence yet filled with confidence at the same time. Here is why.

A ministry…..of listening?

A Ministry Update Due to numerous factors, and after many hours of prayer and discerning the Lord’s direction, we, plus the elders of Perimeter Church, decided to move Shalom City Church into a season of pausing, praying, and (hopefully) planning the next season of house church development, discipleship and outreach. Can ministry mean more than […]

The Election

Vicious debates. Degrading Commercials. Facebook Blow-outs.   This election is a war zone. As much as I want to join the bandwagon, lamenting the flaws of the candidates, may Jesus’ words guide my opinion-flaunting: “He who is without sin cast the first stone.” (John 8:7) and “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. […]

Holy Ground….in my living room

      That Friday afternoon we sat there on the couch. The old leather one with the tear in it from its previous life in the home from which it had been donated. “Bible Man” played in the back room  for energetic little boys who love a good battle.  Meanwhile, Mommy and Miss Sandy […]

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